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Como participar?

You, teacher or education manager, can contribute to or even build our Observatory at your institution. Contributions can be made by participating in our surveys (as a volunteer in responding or even designing new surveys), by carrying out activities at your institution, by participating in our GTs or by simply subscribing to our Monthly Newsletter.

Do you want to be part of the organization?
Our observatory aims to be a collective instrument for teachers in primary or higher education.

If you want to join one of our GTs, see below how to participate!

Subscription to our monthly newsletter
The Bulletin is sent monthly to subscribers, containing an analysis of information about technology and AI in education, in addition to EDUTECIA's participation in various discussion forums. Submit your request in the form below.

Participation in research
We are administering a survey to learn more about teachers' daily practices and their relationship with technology. It takes about 12 minutes. If you wish, click on the icon above to participate.

Our Working Groups

Working groups produce materials for the website and can organize debates online or in their workspaces.

Your participation is great! Contact the person responsible by accessing the items below.

Monitoring of large companies and the EDTECH sector

This GT aims to produce a mapping of large education conglomerates as well as so-called Edtechs (educational start-ups). The objective is to investigate how private capital has shaped the dynamics of educational digital products.


Responsible researcher: Kelly Pedroza (Colegio Pedro II)

As we currently discuss the topic ‘Design’ in our art lessons, we got instructed to do a c

Development of critical Artificial Intelligence pedagogies in education

A inteligência artificial é a nova esteira de desenvolvimento de produtos educacionais. Neste GT, fazemos um monitoramento de estudos sobre IA na educação e o que tem se desenvolvido como pedagogia da IA, procurando criar uma referência para uma pedagogia crítica da IA.


Pesquisadores responsáveis: Afrânio Silva (UERJ) e Paula Menezes (Unicamp)

Games and gaminification in education

Educational games and game analysis and their theoretical and educational principles can contribute to pedagogical practice. However, the use of the so-called "gamification" of education has other repercussions that we intend to discuss in this GT.


Responsible researchers: Christiano Monteiro (UFF) and Renan Marques Birro (UPE)

Playing Video Games at Home_edited.jpg

Media education, combating misinformation and digital literacy

Media education has developed in Brazil recently, following successful experiences in France, Canada and England. It is linked to combating misinformation. The GT aims to monitor ideas and practices on the topic, helping to evolve the notion of digital literacy in schools and universities.


Responsible researcher: To be defined

Assessment and monitoring of digital public policies and sustainability in Education

What public policies have defined the use of technologies in education? Monitor new policies, such as connected education and media education, and how they have impacted curricula and teacher training.



Responsible researcher: Fabricio Cruz (ATAIRU)

Decolonizing the digital

Digital and artificial intelligence technologies have been developed by countries in the Northern Hemisphere, having consequences for the definition of communication and the objectives of their pedagogical use. Our aim in this GT is to evaluate how technologically dependent development implies a type of education with values and logic centered on experiences outside our own.


Responsible researcher: To be defined

Do you want to propose a new working group?

Whether you are a teacher at a Basic School or a University, you can propose a new GT to initiate activities and research on behalf of the Observatory.

Obrigada por entrar em contato!

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